Dear all, two major changes made with the syllabus, which is basically to facilitate your reading---and let there be more focus. 1. Week 9 * Nov 26 th Invisible City: Dream, Desire & Memory II—Case Study of Tsai Mingliang’s films We ONLY WATCH Goodbye Dragon Inn , 2003 Reading-wise Andrea Bachner. “Cinema as Heterochronos: Temporal Folds in the Work of Tsai Ming-liang”, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture Vol. 19, No. 1 (SPRING, 2007), pp. 60-90 CHANGED INTO “Leaving the cinema: metacinematic cruising in Tsai Ming-liang’s Goodbye, Dragon Inn” , Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media , Jump Cut , No. 50, spring 2008 2. Week 10 * Dec 3 rd Haunting Cities: the Uncanny and the Ghostly NO NEED TO READ reference reading Esther M Cheung, “On Spectral Mutations: The Ghostly City in The Secret, Rouge and Little Cheung”, Hong Kong Culture: Word and Image , ed. Kam Louie, 2010...