
Showing posts from November, 2013

Haunting Cities: the Uncanny and the Ghostly

Dear all, here are the readings for the coming week

Goodbye Dragon Inn

Dear all, Note: You have to put BOTH the film file AND the subtitle file in the SAME folder to make sure they could be played. easy !!! enjoy!!!! Continue to read to find the download links please : )

Invisible City: Dream, Desire & Memory II—Case Study of Tsai Mingliang’s films

Dear all, Here are the links to the readings: Would upload the film Goodbye Dragon Inn file asap ; ) Enjoy!!! Week 9 * Nov 26 th Invisible City: Dream, Desire & Memory II—Case Study of Tsai Mingliang’s films Required Reading : Kenneth Chan. “Goodbye Dragon Inn: Tsai Ming-liang’s political aesthetics of nostalgia, place, and lingering”, Journal of Chinese Cinemas , Vol No.1 Issue 2, 2007 “Leaving the cinema: metacinematic cruising  in Tsai Ming-liang’s  Goodbye, Dragon Inn” , Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media , Jump Cut , No. 50, spring 2008

change of syllabus

Dear all, two major changes made with the syllabus, which is basically to facilitate your reading---and let there be more focus. 1.  Week 9 * Nov 26 th  Invisible City: Dream, Desire & Memory II—Case Study of Tsai Mingliang’s films We ONLY WATCH Goodbye Dragon Inn , 2003  Reading-wise Andrea Bachner. “Cinema as Heterochronos: Temporal Folds in the Work of Tsai Ming-liang”,  Modern Chinese Literature and Culture  Vol. 19, No. 1 (SPRING, 2007), pp. 60-90 CHANGED INTO “Leaving the cinema: metacinematic cruising  in Tsai Ming-liang’s  Goodbye, Dragon Inn” , Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media , Jump Cut , No. 50, spring 2008 2. Week 10 * Dec 3 rd  Haunting Cities: the Uncanny and the Ghostly  NO NEED TO READ reference reading Esther M Cheung, “On Spectral Mutations: The Ghostly City in The Secret, Rouge and Little Cheung”,  Hong Kong Culture: Word and Image , ed. Kam Louie, 2010...