
Showing posts from July, 2017

Queer Asia, Queer China

Week 16 ★ July 21    Screening: Spring Fever , Dir. LOU Ye, 2009 Week 17 ★ July 28    Presentation Session Required Readings Leung, Helen Hok Sze. (2012). “Homosexuality and Queer Aesthetics.” A Companion to Chinese Cinema . edited by Yingjin Zhang, 518–34. Blackwell Publishing. [click HERE ] Pecic, Zoran Lee. (2016). “Introduction.” In New Queer Sinophone Cinema: Local Histories, Transnational Connections , 1–23. Palgrave Macmillan.

10. Coproducing Asia Week 15★July 14 Roundtable Discussion

Required Readings DeBoer, Stephanie. (2014). “Introduction: Coproduction and the New East Asia”. Coproducing Asia: Locating Japanese–Chinese Regional Film and Media . Minneapolis: University Of Minnesota Press.[distributed in class] Jin, Dal Yong, and Otmazgin, Nissim. (2014). “Introduction: East Asian Cultural Industries: Policies, Strategies and Trajectories.” Pacific Affairs 87 (1): 43–51.[click HERE ] Otmazgin, Nissim, and Eyal Ben-Ari. (2012). “Introduction: History and Theory in the Study of Cultural Collaboration.” In Popular Culture Co-Production and Collaborations in East and Southeast Asia , edited by Nissim Otmazgin and Eyal Ben-Ari, 1–25. NUS Press. [click HERE ] This workshop uses no specific film text(s) while playing with many layers of theories , so the roundtable participants would be required to prepare, 1)     An outline used to summarize what you have read, and to raise questions based on the 3 readings; you could focus...