
Showing posts from May, 2020


Required Reading Ranc ière, Jacques. (2016). 'One Uprising can Hide Another'  Uprisings . Gallimard.pp 62 -70 [you have the book] Baumbach, Nico.   (2010)   Jacques Rancière and the fictional capacity of documentary ,   New Review of Film and Television Studies ,   8:1,   57-72,   DOI:  10.1080/17400300903529356 [we will focus on this one more; and I will also invite you to send us your questions in a OneNote page later on]



Week 5★May 22nd ESSAY FILM & CHINA CONCERTO (guest: filmmaker/artist Bo WANG)

Homework Screening: Sans Soleil ( S unless , 1983 ) Dir. Chris MARKER China Concerto ( 中国 协奏曲 , 2012 ) Dir. WANG Bo ( 王博 ) [streaming/sharing methods TBA]

[May 15th seminar reading No.1]instead of questions

Dear all, Instead of question sheets, I experimented with Prezi slides. For this reading,  Baumbach, Nico, Damon R Young, and Genevieve Yue. 2016. “Introduction: For a Political Critique of Culture.”  Social Text  34 (2 (127)): 1–20. 01642472-3467942 . please refer to this: e1hcc6v90sm8/?token= f6f15f2d7cea122fe9aa18a1542cf9 88c0a1a28b2abb91c1f1f141b237c6 fddf&utm_campaign=share&utm_ medium=copy It is a simple version. But it includes videos and stuffs, so, I hope it offers a better experience reading the THEORY.

Questions and Comments of Week 3 (May 8)

1. In response to the question of "what are automatisms", I got this paragraph out of Cavell's book  (p103),  "One might think of this as the task of establishing a new automatism. The use of the word seems to me right for both the broad genres or forms in which an art organizes itself (e.g. the fugue, the dance forms, blues) and those local events or topoi around which a genre precipitates itself (e.g., modulations, inversions, cadences). In calling such things automatisms, I do not mean that they automatically ensure artistic success or depth, but that in mastering a tradition one masters a range of automatisms upon which the tradition maintains itself, and in deploying them one's work is assured of a place in that tradition."  It seems to be his term for all the "givens" of a particular medium of artistic practices, not just materials or method but also genre, and methods of distribution, etc. (from Hack)

Jameson's cultural critique/ Encyclopedia entry excerpt

Roberts, A. (2010). Jameson, Fredric. In The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory, M. Ryan (Ed.). doi: 10.1002/9781444337839.wbelctv2j001 Jameson's cultural critique is an interrogation of what he calls “late capitalism,” borrowing the term from Marxist philosopher Enrst Mandel. Marx argued that the conflict inherent in capitalism would inevitably bring about its destruction; and the persistence, and indeed global dominance, of capitalism, might be thought to contradict this view. Mandel refined Marx's analysis into a three‐part narrative: first, market capitalism, which dominated the West in the 1800s and early 1900s evolved at the end of the nineteenth century, into, second, monopoly capitalism, which was characterized by the quasi‐imperial domination by capital of international markets. The third phase, late capitalism, is taken by Mandel (and Jameson) as beginning after World War II, and witnesses the complete interpenetration of global culture by the logic of c...

