Week 6★May 18th HARUN FAROCKI
Required Readings: Didi - Huberman , “How to Open Your Eyes”, in Antje Ehman and Kodwo Eshun (eds), Against Whom Against What (London: Craven Walk, 2010), pp38-50 [click HERE ] Elsaesser, Thomas.“Holocaust Memory as the Epistemology of Forgetting? Re-wind and Postponement in Harun Farocki's Respite ”, in Antje Ehman and Kodwo Eshun (eds), Against Whom Against What (London: Craven Walk, 2010), pp 57-68 [click HERE ] TOM GUNNING on WHAT FAROCKI TAUGHT , https://www3.nd.edu/~jgodmilo/gunning.html Film for Discussion: What Farocki Taught , Dir. Jill Godwillow, 1998 [use to be available at YouTube; but no longer there!!!] Please watch Inextinguishable Fire instead
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