Compilation of Questions & Comments of Week 2 (Lamarre)

1.   How to understand “Thus we ask, when—not what—is an infrastructure” (p.17)? It’s quoted from Star and Ruhleder, “Steps Toward an Ecology of Infrastructure,” and here’s the paper. (from Xinyi) 

2.     Regarding Hyperobject by Timothy Morton, Morton is associated with the object-oriented ontology (OOO) movement in contemporary philosophy. Although Lamarre brings up Morton's hyperobject here, he's dismissive of OOO later on in the book…(from Chris & Brett)

3.     Lamarre writes that in the anime-television complex enacts an intense form of media parasociality: “The boundary between screen world and real world disappears, allowing television entities to swarm into the real world, and conversely real persons to enter the television world. The result is a distinctive social field in which television entities and real-world entities mingle freely” (2018 23). Lamarre politicizes this in Deleuzian as a potential for thinking of self in media-ecological terms. For my own research, I am wondering if there are other ways to politicize this, especially in ways that can resonate with concerns in other parts of the humanities beside the Deleuze-Foucault-Massumi lineage that Lamarre is working with. In particular, how does the anime parasocial field articulate collectivity to viewers, most of whom aren’t on board with ecosophist politics. (from Brett)

4.      A review on Lamarre's article: (from Hao) 


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