
Showing posts from October, 2017

WEEK 6/November 10th “Homeless” Auteur on the Global Stage

1) “Homeless” Auteur on the Global Stage WEEK 6 / November 10 th     Required Readings: Gerow, Aaron. 2009. "The Homelessness of Style and the Problems of Studying Miike Takashi". Revue Canadienne d'Études cinématographiques / Canadian Journal of Film Studies . Vol. 18, No. 1, A Special Issue On Contemporary Japanese Cinema In Transition (spring · printemps). 24-43 [click HERE ] CHANGED reading Gerow, Aaron. 2017. "Globalism, New Media, and Cinematically Imaging the Inescapable Japan". In  Routledge Handbook of East Asian Popular Culture (Routledge Handbooks), edited by Koichi Iwabuchi, Eva Tsai, Chris Berry.  [click HERE ] Note: the whole handbook is shared; download available only for a week. please locate the pages on your own.  Zahlten, Alexander. 2017. “Introduction”, in The End of  Japanese Cinema: Industrial Genres, National Times, and Media Ecologies , 1-24. London: Duke University Pre...

what the fxxx is poststructuralism?

these 2 readings may help you to understand the basic discussions/frameworks of poststructuralism.  1. a take--click HERE "Poststructuralism." In The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory, edited by Michael Ryan, 780-788. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature . Vol. 2, Literary Theory from 1966 to the Present. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Gale Virtual Reference Library (accessed October 20, 2017). 2. Another take--click HERE Barker, Chris. "Structuralism, Poststructuralism, and Cultural Studies." In The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory , edited by Michael Ryan, 1290-1298. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature. Vol. 3, Cultural Theory. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. Gale Virtual Reference Library (accessed October 20, 2017). 

THEORY BUILDING III: Cosmopolitanism

WEEK 4/ October 27 th Required Readings: 1. Hannerz, Ulf. “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture”. In Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization, and Modernity: a Theory, Culture & Society Special Issue , Mike Featherstone ed. London: Sage Publications, 1990 [click HERE ] 2. Pollock, S., H. Bhabha, C. Breckenridge and D. Chakrabarty. 2000. `Cosmopolitanisms', Public Culture 12(3): 577-89[click HERE ] ON this Friday's seminar meeting, please prepare 3 questions for each reading (please do not use my questions...). It would be part of the Working Sheet. My questions for reading no. 1   1)Generally speaking, how does reading No. 1 relate to and differ from No.2 in approaching the cosmopolitan?  2) How to make sense of Hannerz's Lagos-London flight example, and what is his argument for the cosmopolitan perspective/attitude? (in terms of "varieties and levels")  3) How has Hannerz approached his own question regarding, "are to...

THEORY BUILDING II: Rethinking Power/Empire

WEEK 3/ October 20 th Required Readings: 1. Hardt, Michael and Negri, Antonio . “Preface” and “World Order” in Empire . Harvard University Press. 2000. xi-22. [click HERE ] NOTE: the book is shared; locate the right pages please~! 2. Iwabuchi, Koichi. 2014. “De-Westernisation, Inter-Asian Referencing and  beyond.” European Journal of Cultural Studies 17 (1): 44–57. [click HERE ] 3. Larson, Neil. 2000. “Imperialism, Colonialism, Postcolonialism”, in A Companion to Postcolonial Studies . Henry Schwarz & Sangeeta Ray (Eds), Blackwell Publishing: 23-52 [click HERE ] supplementary readings: 1) For students who need to refresh their previous knowledge of postcolonialism , please download this entry HERE Bill Ashcroft.  Postcolonialism,  The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization . Ed. George Ritzer. Vol. 4. Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedias in Social Science Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. p1680-...