THEORY BUILDING III: Cosmopolitanism

WEEK 4/October 27th
Required Readings:
1. Hannerz, Ulf. “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture”. In Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization, and Modernity: a Theory, Culture & Society Special Issue, Mike Featherstone ed. London: Sage Publications, 1990
[click HERE]

2. Pollock, S., H. Bhabha, C. Breckenridge and D. Chakrabarty. 2000. `Cosmopolitanisms', Public Culture 12(3): 577-89[click HERE]

ON this Friday's seminar meeting, please prepare 3 questions for each reading (please do not use my questions...). It would be part of the Working Sheet.

My questions for reading no. 1

1)Generally speaking, how does reading No. 1 relate to and differ from No.2 in approaching the cosmopolitan? 

2) How to make sense of Hannerz's Lagos-London flight example, and what is his argument for the cosmopolitan perspective/attitude? (in terms of "varieties and levels") 

3) How has Hannerz approached his own question regarding, "are tourists, exiles, expatriates cosmopolitans, and when not, why not"? Any thoughts and critiques if we return to Appadurai? 

Do we need to think of categories of people such as refugees and immigrants as well?

4) What do you think of the tension between cosmopolitan, local and "home", as elaborated by Hannerz? 

My questions for reading no. 2

1) When tackling the issue of cosmopolitanism, why it is necessary for us to, in the first place, turn to forces such as nationalism, globalization and multiculturalism? How do the authors critique nationalism? (578-80) Then they have also critiqued "globalization" and "multiculturalism"--how do such critiques connect with the discussion of nationalism? 

2) Why would the authors argue that, "The cosmopolitanism of our times does not spring from the capitalized 'virtues' of Rationality, Universality, and Progress; nor is it embodied in the myth of the nation writ large in the figure of the citizen of the world"? (582)

3) In which manner the case study of feminism may illuminate our understanding of cosmopolitanisms?


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