final paper

Final Paper: Due on Feb 7th   TUESDAY, 5pm

Write a 3000 (non-JACS graduates)/4000 (JACS graduates)-word essay; CMS format style; see

In your final paper, at least one of the films you are writing about should be from the films highlighted in our class (see the list at the end), and films used for our January Workshop could be considered as well; at least 3 references you will be using should be from our syllabus (at least 2 from the Required Readings); you are always welcome to quote other academic/semi-academic sources.

SUBMISSION: Please submit the essay, in Microsoft WORD (unless you don’t have it) to the lecturer’s email address with the subject “Final Paper city seminar”. I’d send out confirmation email once your assignment is received. Late submission is not accepted unless emergency happens.

Include the following information at the top of each assignment:
Your Name
Course Title
Submission Date
Final Paper
                                                  Title of article

In this seminar, we have dealt with a wide range of topics related to modernity/modernization and urbanization within the context of contemporary Asian societies, through critical concepts and frameworks/methodologies from cultural theories and contemporary art, sociology/architecture, and film studies (e.g., semiotics; post-structuralist, modernity/post-modernity; auteur theory; genre; national cinema and transnational cinema; e.g., ruins; nostalgia; time-image; flaneur, stranger/hood, derive; public space).

In this essay, you are expected and given space to elaborate on and interrogate topics/themes explored in our seminar sessions and so forth, through analyzing films used within and beyond this seminar.  You could (re)use materials/arguments from your reading journals too. Make sure that your reader could follow your lead to clarified and well-supported argument(s); you are not supposed to explain each and every aspect of a certain film.

100 Flowers Hidden Deep, Dir.:Chen Kaige (available at YouTube)
2046, Dir. Wong Kar-wai, 2004
Double Vision, Dir. Chen Kuo-fu, 2002
Goodbye Dragon Inn, Dir. Tsai Ming-liang, 2003
Hiroshima Mon Amour, Dir. Alain Resnais, 1959
Old Dog, dir. Pema Tseden, 2013
Sans Soleil, Dir. Chris Marker, 1983
Shower, Dir. Zhang Yang, 1999
Suzhou River, Dir. Lou Ye, 2000 

Note on Plagiarism:
Plagiarism: A writer who presents the ideas of words of another as if they were the writer’s own (that is, without proper citation) commits plagiarism. Plagiarism is not tolerable in this course or at Nagoya University. You should avoid making quotes or drawing on figures from nowhere—you must provide sources of reference for quotation and/or citations you use in the paper. This applies to images and media clips as well. Failure to observe this would risk being charged of plagiarism. In this University, plagiarism is a disciplinary offence. Any student who commits the offence is liable to disciplinary action. [All assignments/papers will be checked]


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