Jan 12 Workshop Film Selections

this entry will be kept updated before the seminar.

Brad: Kaili Blues
further information about this film could be found:

From Brad:
I plan to use the film's establishment of space, time, and community during its famous long take to explore Butler's (Arendt's?) notion of the sphere of appearance. I really enjoyed the Butler essay, and there is much more that I think can be applied to Bi Gan's film (not just the long take).

Shihao: Tiny Times
(sorry, I didn't read this mail earlier for some reason!)
from Shihao:
A general description of the film is available on Wikipedia:
"Tiny Times (Chinese: 小时代), also known as Tiny Times 1.0 is a 2013 Chinese romance drama film written and directed by Guo Jingming and based on the best-selling novel of the same name also by Guo. The story follows the film's narrator and protagonist Lin Xiao, played by Yang Mi, along with her best friends Gu Li, Nan Xiang, Tang Wanru, as they navigate between relationships, work and friendship in Shanghai.The film received mostly negative reviews from Chinese film critics, although it was a commercial success. "

The film is available on Youtube as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hHWi9QMIrQ

Huang Li: Beijing Bicycle 

From Li:
...It is about two Chinese teenagers,Gui and Jian,a rural migrant coming to Beijing for work and economic stability and a high school student from a lower middle-class family. I am going to analyze the representation of space in the film from David Harvey's two dimensions of space.
The film is avaiable on   http://www.bilibili.com/video/av2268549/

Jenny: Ten Ten/Adrift in Tokyo (2007, Satoshi Miki)

From Jenny:
After reading the Chi and Lim text, I thought it might be good to revisit one of the films I used for my take home project and analyse it through their use of the “triadic notion of space”, how the film can access the city and its modes of expression and construct meanings and situations. The film used recognisable spaces in the real world that we could visit, however it is able to frame and articulate them to produce a specified realisation of this space that then can interrogate this reality. The space can be defined through their surrounding contexts and make a comment upon notions of national identity as well.

Jianan: Eat Drink Man Woman " Ang Lee

And here is the weblink:


I would like to talking about on globalization that interrupts the relationship of two generations and individuals. I think the the collision of both parents and their kids, and the collision between two older sisters are remarkable; from there I could see how it has changed within a family leads by new toughs come from west.


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