Required Readings: Didi - Huberman , “How to Open Your Eyes”, in Antje Ehman and Kodwo Eshun (eds), Against Whom Against What (London: Craven Walk, 2010), pp38-50 [click HERE ] Elsaesser, Thomas.“Holocaust Memory as the Epistemology of Forgetting? Re-wind and Postponement in Harun Farocki's Respite ”, in Antje Ehman and Kodwo Eshun (eds), Against Whom Against What (London: Craven Walk, 2010), pp 57-68 [click HERE ] TOM GUNNING on WHAT FAROCKI TAUGHT , Film for Discussion: What Farocki Taught , Dir. Jill Godwillow, 1998 [use to be available at YouTube; but no longer there!!!] Please watch Inextinguishable Fire instead
Dear all, Please prepare for your presentation by referring to the following documents: RR: Sturken & Cartwright,279-306 (chapter 7) SR: Slavoj Zizek, Back to School 2003, Abercrombie & Fitch Quarterly (PDF) both documents could be downloaded from here if you have problem downloading, please email me to let me know
Special Screening The Act of Killing Dir. Joshua Oppenheimer, 2012 Time: May 21 st Monday, 4:30 pm/Venue: Rm 131 Required Reading s : Camilla Møhring Reestorff (2015) Unruly artivism and the participatory documentary ecology of The Act ofKilling , Studies in Documentary Film , 9:1, 10-27, DOI:10.1080/17503280.2014.1002248 Added Reference Reading Robert Cribb (2014) THE ACT OF KILLING , Critical Asian Studies, 46:1, 147-149, DOI: 10.1080/14672715.2014.867621 Rojas, Nubia. " Documentary cinema, memory and reconcil...
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